Saturday, December 26, 2009

Rushing the Trees

There is an old idiom that recites 'don't lose the forest for the trees'. Often has that come to mind. The idea is of course that the thing we focus on, to the point of ridiculous, is often a detail in the broad strokes of life. We lose the larger perspective of life as we focus on the singularity of our chosen tree.

Sometime ago I lost myself in the forest, looking at all the pretty trees and noting their intricate details. Rushing from tree to tree and admiring what it might be like to try and climb them all. It's good to get close and personal with the trees, yet I failed to stand back and allow the simple beauty of the forest to overwhelm. Take that step back and breath it in. We can but view the beauty; our ability provides no chance to change the trees nor modify the forest, only that we can choose the perspective we take and the beauty may we appreciate.