Friday, March 24, 2006


In the course of life there are events which are explainable, rational, logical, and blatantly obvious. And, then, there are such events which fulfill not one of those adjectives but remain common sensical, rather unexplainable, undeserved, and very real...

In the course of ten weeks (going on eleven soon) here in Oxford, New Zealand, the students and staff have experienced such personal and corporate things and have heard stories of such things from visiting speakers and friends. We call them miracles and they remain nothing short of such. I don't share such a story to brag, rather I share to encourage and to testify to you of a life of abundance (this not at all referring to financial anything).

The most recent for which I would like to share occurred just two days ago, however, the story of which begins weeks ago. I suppose that it was nearing three weeks ago - or was it two, or was it four? - in the course of one of our twice weekly prayer hours we were enlightened upon the financial need for the entire school. At that time the entire school required an additional $120,000 NZD, or so, to complete payment for fees needed to go on the outreach phase. Over the course of that day and the following number of weeks an additional $50,000 NZD was raised. Understand that for the 50 students and staff it is somewhere in the upwards of $750,000 NZD (give or take) to complete a DTS such as this.

Thus, as of this past Sunday (24 Mar) we were counseled as a school that $70,000 NZD was needed ASAP to meet the bare minimum for the upcoming outreach phase. The six different teams will leave next Saturday and Sunday (1 & 2 April) for our nearly 3-month outreach phase. As a school we committed to fasting, beginning first thing this past Monday morning, until such a time as the funds were received. Now our purpose was not simply to beg God for such funds (not at all) but rather seeking to be obedient to God and to seek His will and purpose for our upcoming next steps and in doing so pray for funds that we may be enabled to carry out the next steps for which we felt that we were brought here to do (that is my summary of the corporate purpose for fasting).

We were given the option of either drinking just water or also fruit and juice depending upon what we felt led to do. We were also encouraged to pray for outreach teams fasting purposes and personal fasting purposes as well as lengths of fasting. I begin a fruit and juice fast this past Monday, whereas others chose different approaches to their fasting.

Now, I suppose one could jump into a complete discourse upon the methods, reasons, benefits, disbenefits, Biblical principles, the discipline of, the spiritual concerns, or the rational of fasting - so much more discussion could be had on the topic, and has been had within a Biblical context as well as popular media of the day. There are of course both spiritual and physical benefits and possible disbenefits of fasting to itemize as well. I am not here to even desire to begin a lengthy discussion of such - one must develop their own views and beliefs of fasting based on the principles of life for which they have chosen to believe. This is simply a testimony to what God has done and an encouragement to those who may read this who wonder if miracles do occur.

And, so, back to the story at hand. Monday and Tuesday were tough days for many. Some had not fasted previously and, as those who are experienced would say, the first two days can be the hardest of any fasting. Some begin to feel fairly week initially and hunger pains abounded. By Wednesday, however, we were encourage with news in the morning that since the weekend nearly $20,000 NZD had come in. This was a bit faster than I expected and meant that only around $50,000 NZD were needed.

There were varying opinions and guesses upon how long the fast would last. Some thought just a few days and some believed over a week. People were prepared to fast for more than 10 days if felt led to. Discussion of anything related to food was cut short quickly - we learned to quite enjoy the fruit that New Zealand can provide, and that imported from neighboring nations.

Wednesday afternoon people begin to receive things that were unexpected or answers to prayers. A number of people recieved unexpected financial gifts or unexpected packages from home. I received a package which held prescription medications that was an answer to prayer (there was some definite uncertainty as to if the package would make it through customs). Students also begin to have spiritual breakthroughs or just experience a closer proximity with God. The dam was seemingly leaking and little did we know was nearing a breaking point.

Later in the evening, after meeting in a our outreach teams for prayer (this during our normal meal times) and also following some chill time we were summoned to the main Base house dining area for a mandatory meeting. Paul, Jong Kyu, and myself were running a bit late and taking our time walking with some anticipation and knowledge of the news we were about to receive, and as we walked up the gravel driveway to the Base house the cheers and shouts of joy confirmed our suscipitions and rumors we had heard just minutes before.

The financial needs were paid for! Unexpected in such a short time, unreal in our minds, and completely an answer to prayer and our fasting. Our corporate fasting had come to an end! One couple from a church in the US had heard of our need somehow and committed to paying the balance of our need for the remaining funds. This will likely amount to a bit over $41,000 NZD! Nothing short of a miracle.

Tell me, why do you not believe in miracles?

1 comment:

Daniel & Rebecca said...

This is just amazing! We've been following your blog (and other blogs as well)and your stories are such an encouragement to us!
By reading your blogs it's like we know you in a way...
Thanks for sharing and we pray for Gods blessing during your outreach and in your lives...