Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Comet McNaught & Community Living

I didn't take this picture! But Ge-off did ->>> James 127 Photography

Comet McNaught as viewed from the lookout near Oxford last night.
Learn more about Comet McNaught here.

Will's long exposure artwork - the dark areas have been enhanced. Long shutters combined with a LED headlamp and great patience created some striking images.

We ventured up to the lookout around 11:30 pm last night just after remarking through yawns as to how it was time to go to bed. Well, our dedicated Canadian friend pointed out the Comet in the starry, night sky and we couldn't help but seek out a better viewing location...

Some of us captured better images than others - we all, at the least, enjoyed viewing the comet together and watching the long exposure artwork of Will and Trevor.

So goes life in community. My best intentions are many times overridden with an opportunity to spend time with people in relationship - be it chatting, playing a board game, sharing stories of our lives, or taking pictures in the middle of the night.

It's good though. Very good. Of course my best intentions to keep a few blogs going throughout the week have certainly not been the case as of late. I do not give up hope of sharing a bit more as to what is going on here. Although, such sharing may have to wait at least one more day... or few days.

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