Thursday, January 31, 2008

High Country

Looking west towards Erewhon Station

Perhaps its time to admit that posting on this blog site is a losing battle. Seemingly each recent post becomes a fascination of why it has taken me such a long time to put together a coherent note deemed worthy of blogging.

Truthfully, should I take the time to sit quietly and type away on this keyboard, many more posts may appear - writing is more of a desire than a reality at the moment.

The actual reality is that I fail to write because there are those moments that I get in the way of myself. Some people may liken this to pride, which it is. If we were to ever stop for a moment and consider why the individual fails to aspire to their hopes and dreams I would venture to submit that a serving of said failure is due to pride of various shades.

A visit to the Botanical Gardens

Captivating is not just how we simply look at the world as if there is something owed to us, but rather how many of us might expect that our dreams, hopes, and fortunes might someday fall from the sky.

We admire those that have accomplished what we envy and acclimate easily to those whose vision is wider and taller than our own. Such is not poor, simply a dangerous idea should we believe that the path for which the admired travel is easy and the burden light. I am beginning to further understand the weight of the small moments within life; the journey of climbing a mountain where each step is placed confidently.

Mt. Sunday, aka Edoras in LOTR

Upper Waimakariri River Valley

1 comment:

Steph said...

the end of this post reminds me of a psalm i was just studying...psalm 121...i like to refer to it as "The Hiker's Psalm" :) miss ya!