Sunday, May 29, 2005

Photo Albums Updated!

Well, over two occasions in the past few days the picture albums at the link to the right (click on Photo Albums or visit I have been able to add additional photos as well as do a bit of housekeeping.

The albums are now to the point where they won't be touched beyond the additoin of new pictures. I have organized the pictures in each album (or rather attempted to organize) based on a rough chronological order. So, this will mean that if you were to view the photo album the first picture viewed in the left hand "Gallery" will be the earliest picture taken within a given album. Thus, the last picture wihtin the album, the photo at the very bottom of the "Gallery", will be the latest picture taken within that album. I can't guarantee the exact accuracy of such a chronological order, but they are roughly in such a sequence.

In any case, enjoy the pictures and the beauty held within parts of the world!

Yes, we do actually work abord the Africa Mercy, well, most of the time... Installation of pistons on Harbor Generator #2 (starboard HG).  Posted by Hello

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