Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Hanmer Springs

The river valley near Hanmer Springs.

A bit "Photoshop'ed", but a spot in the woods that reminded me of Oregon.

On the way up the Mt. Isobel track. Did I say this reminded me of Oregon yet?

A weekend away from life and work at the YWAM Oxford Base. It was quite nice, no, really great.

As part of a celebration and transition to new roles here at YWAM Oxford, the Jan-Mar 2007 crew of Basic Leadership School (BLS) Interns escaped to Hanmer Springs for an awesome weekend away. As part of this crew I was able to get away from the base for some much needed contact with the world.

Yes, it's true, I have only been away from the base for one or two brief outings that would be considered non-work related up until this past weekend. Not necessarily a good thing and its not that the base is a poor place to hang around, just that it is right to remove one's self from current surroundings to keep a healthy perspective on life.

So, we had a chance to get away to a beautiful spot to the north by a couple hours. Hanmer Springs is a place known for hot springs located in-town, however, I thought it a bit too warm to be lounging about in a hot pool. Thus, a couple of us determined to conquer the nearby Mt. Isobel, a 1300 meter hill upon which the surrounding views were grand.

I need to get out more. This is God's Country of the South.

Looking from the saddle to Mt. Isobel peak.

The view from the saddle - Hanmer Springs is lower left center. Quite a view...

Looking out to the other side of Mt. Isobel, from the top.

Mt. Isobel, from the top.

1 comment:

Steph said...

can i say "jealous!!!!" no mountains here in cow country...but we do have hockey! you like that i finally went to a game? trust me, i'd trade that for the hike you went on any day of the's absolutely beautiful, matt :)