Saturday, May 05, 2007

Current Prayer Requests

Current Prayer Requests!

Thanks so much for your prayers and encouragement!

Prayer Requests:

• This period of time for Suzanne, my sister, as she is now attending a DTS here. Her school is now a third of the way through their Lecture phase. The three teams will depart around the end of June for a near 3 month outreach. Suzanne will be joining the team traveling to Fiji, Philippines, Thailand, and Cambodia.

• The students and staff of the ongoing schools. It’s a time in life that is full-on and it is a time in life to seize hold of. Lives change. We have six teams currently in their Outreach phase from the January AW80 DTS. There are now two schools here at Oxford during their Lecture phase - April AW80 DTS and Biblical Core Course.

• Clear direction and leading for the expansion of this YWAM Oxford Base of ministry. The building project is progressing - we have hired a person to draw up design plans, however, there is additional resource consent issues that will likely require application and approval prior to moving much further in this process. We are just seeking to be following the Lord's heart in this matter - wherever that may lead.

• Further personal growth and direction as I press into this season of life, and the seasons to follow. The past number of weeks have been both encouraging and challenging as the Lord has spoken some words and as I have been stretched with interpersonal relationships.

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