Sunday, December 31, 2006

New Zealand: The Beginning. Again.

Well, this is the first "newsletter" of sorts that I sent around. It's a description, with more than a few words, of the path upon which I now travel. Read, digest, process, argue if you must, and let it soak in
. Please respond to me at the email address on the right sidebar with any concerns or issues.

December 31, 2006

Eagle River
, Alaska

Dear Friends, Family, and People whom I really like but have not contacted for a very long time,

Merry Christmas! Happy New Year! Another year gone and another year beginning! My hope is that this note finds you all well and in the midst of a wonderful holiday season!

What have the recent months and years brought to your life since we last spoke? For some that receive this note it will have been possibly many months or over a year (years?) since our last conversation. My deepest apologies for the time, distance, and lack of communication that has separated us! It is my intention to let you in on a bit of what's going on in my life in the hopes that someday soon you may respond equally with a bit of what is going on in your own life!

The beginning of the New Year will bring with it an embarkation in my own life as I set out to serve with an organization called Youth With A Mission for a period of time in New Zealand. This recent commitment to Youth With A Mission (YWAM) will mark the third occasion of volunteering to do something that I never really figured myself ever participating in - a pattern that is becoming quite the norm.

YWAM is an international, non-centralized Christian organization that stretches to many corners of the globe seeking "to know God and make Him known". There are more than 700 international locations (or "bases" as such locations are referred to) each holding to the Biblically founded principles of YWAM and reaching out to their communities and the world at large in any number of various methods. Perhaps the most recognized ministry of YWAM is the experience offered through the Discipleship Training Schools - a training and discipleship forum focused towards young adults who desire to learn more of God and His work in their lives and in the lives of others in nations of the world.

As you may or may not be aware, I have spent the past two years in various forms of volunteer opportunities and occasions for travel within and outside of the United States. Most recently, I participated in a six month Discipleship Training School with YWAM ( beginning in January 2006. The initial 3-month period (Lecture phase) of the School was spent in the town of Oxford, on the South Island of New Zealand, attending a training focused on knowing God and understanding His plan in individuals lives and the world at large. The latter 3-month portion (Outreach phase) of the School was devoted to traveling "Around the World in 80 Days", experiencing people, places, and cultures in numerous locations with an effort seeking to make God known, to understand His work in locations of the world, and to aid the longer term vision of finding His place for us in the world.

Birthed out of the recent six month experience with YWAM was a desire in my life to further participate in equipping and engaging others in their seeking of who God is and what He is doing in the world. Thus I am pursuing doing what I may to further "know God and make Him known" as I also seek His specific vision for what my life may hold. Following what I believe is the Lord's leading I will be returning to Oxford, New Zealand, just after the first of the year to begin a new season in my life.

The commitment of returning to YWAM Oxford will likely result in an 18-month period in New Zealand. The exact period of time will depend only on following God's path. Initially, my time will be devoted to aiding the construction of a new cafeteria/lecture/office facility on the existing base in a "project manager" type capacity. I envision this work to be quite similar to my previous work experience, however, I don’t really know where this path leads.

If opportunity allows, following completion of the new building, I hope to participate in one of the three different DTS experiences offered at the YWAM Oxford base as a member of the school staff team, a position of discipleship and leading.

Regardless of the exact focus of my time while serving with YWAM, I will also be participating in a training focused at developing leadership qualities in the base staff and school staff. The Basic Leadership School is a 15-month program that works alongside the specific work of an individual to provide mentoring and leadership development within the areas of responsibility and within the scope of their own life in general.

I reach out to you now in an effort to touch base with each of you, although the limitations of a mass letter are quite apparent when trying to be personable. This season of life is important to me in that I believe it is a way for others to witness what exactly it is that God is doing in the world at large. I would request your prayers and thoughts during this time and welcome emails, phone calls, or just something to say hello. My hope is that I am able to adequately keep up the communication.

My story is part of a much bigger story in this world. I can only tell my stories and the stories of those whom I come into contact with. And, these stories are not just my stories, they belong to you as well. It’s these smaller stories that can paint a picture, a much bigger picture, than just the simple corner of New Zealand where I will soon reside.

In an effort to keep you informed on the happenings with YWAM Oxford and myself, I will continue to use my blog at as a place for various thoughts on life, love, and liberty. In fact, I much desire, as a "missionary", to maintain a bridge between two locations of the world - that which I came from and that to which I now go. The online web journal is one method for which I hope to sustain such communication.

Some of you have already asked about the financial side of things. It is true that my time with YWAM will is completely volunteer, and, as you may very well imagine, I am relying upon what God may provide through any of His various ways to make ends meet. Please feel no obligation to give financially (this is NOT the reason I write to you now!); however, if you do feel led to give I have included information at the end of this note that will provide a number of US tax-deductible methods.

I do look forward to communicating with any of you, though please note that my response time can be artificially slow at times; I don't intend to be tardy but it may happen. Please do let me know how you and your families are!!! I think often of those Mercy Ship friends as the Africa Mercy is now closer than ever to sailing to Africa.

Prayer Requests (Team & Personal):

  • There are many new, but familiar faces, currently or soon-to-be residing at YWAM Oxford serving in any number of capacities. It's an exciting time as God builds personal foundations at this place in New Zealand. Pray that the focus will remain on the Lord and His purposes for the Base and the individuals serving there.
  • Students for the Backpackers DTS ( will be leaving any day to begin their 2-3 month Outreach phase. Prayers for safety and health, and for mind-blowing God experiences to take place in locations around the world and in the greater reaches of New Zealand.
  • Students for the January Around the World in 80 Days DTS ( will be traveling to and arriving in New Zealand in mid-January. Prayers for smooth travels and prepared hearts are appreciated.
  • The building program at YWAM Oxford is in the early stages with many steps and days yet to live. Prayer for vision and understanding the Lord's plan for the new additions are key.
  • This is a personal step of faith in many aspects. I am confident as to the Lord's leading, however, that doesn't mean it will be easy to follow. I wish to continue growing in many aspects, and I pray that this experience would continue to stretch me. Prayers against apathy, reclusiveness, discouragement, and financial concerns would be much appreciated.

Thank you for your prayers and support in these initial steps! This, as the initial ministry update email, is a work in progress. Please stay tuned for additional updates that are a bit more ministerial focused.

Life - it's a work in progress, you know?

It's a crazy adventure this life we live. I hope that your adventures continue as well!

Much love and blessings,

Matt Wood

1 comment:

A L said...

hey matt! you have a real way with words. you're a great writer! i hope you keep it up in your time over here in oxford! we are all soooooooo excited to have you come back to the base! you are a blessing! not just for what you can offer, but just you being you! i'm lookin fwd to getting to know you. we'll be housemates haha! and... you're taking over the room stacey was in... and well stacey shared the mirror shelf thingy where we put toothpaste... and so um you'll prob have to share that with me! ew ali germs will be near yours haha! fun fun. all in good fun.

well, i should sign off now. blessings and prayers to you as you travel and make your way here!
